Family Court fees have increased with effect from 1st May 2024

May 1 Published by
Family Court fees have increased with effect from 1st May 2024

Family Court fees have increased with effect from 1st May 2024 in accordance with the Government’s proposal that all Court and tribunal fees should increase by 10%.

The purpose of the price increase is to not only ensure that the Courts are adequately funded due to increased costs but also to improve the level of service that is provided.

What is the increase in fees?

The Court fee for making an application for a Child Arrangements Order has increased from £232 to £255Child arrangements orders set out where children should live and the arrangements for the children to spend time with the non – resident parent.

Applications for other Court Orders in respect of children such as Specific Issue OrdersProhibited Steps Orders and Special Guardianship Orders as well as applications for parental orders are also subject to the price increase.

The Court fee for an application for a Financial Order has increased from £275 to £303.

In addition to this, the fee to lodge an agreed Consent Order in financial matters has increased from £53 to £58.

It has been confirmed that the cost of a divorce/civil partnership dissolution application will not rise. It will therefore remain £593.

A complete breakdown of the fee changes can be accessed via the Government website.

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